REINS app unlimited Questions and Answers Infrastructure Expert

Through questioning, our platform empowers you to exchange ideas, gain knowledge and build sustainable infrastructure

Direct Access to Certified Infrastructure Experts Globally

How REINS® Works

With one on one attention, you can discuss your situation directly with a REINS® certified infrastructure expert. The answer to your question comes to you over your device with a notification. Searching for answers can be overwhelming and community forums may not be credible. Don't waste time - get the guidance even on the most complex subjects anonymously. You can bookmark, edit, and like a response or question.

1. Register
REINS app Register Infrastructure Expert
2. Post a Question
REINS app Post a Question Infrastructure Expert
3. Receive an Answer!
REINS app Receive an Answer Infrastructure Expert

Responding to Questions

Start responding to questions in the "All" tab or "Dashboard" by category. Responses are submitted by clicking on the comment bubble.

Asking Questions

You have free access to the only infrastructure platform to ask questions anonymously on situations and topics related to infrastructure.

Search Questions and Responses

A searchable infrastructure knowledge base.

1. Click Ask

1. Click Ask

Type your question and add images and audio. You can choose to be anonymous while posting questions.
2. Categories

2. Categories

Based on your question, select from one of 9+ categories.
3. Public or Private toggle

3. Public or Private toggle

By selecting Public, questions are visible to all users and anyone can respond to your query.
4. Experts/Mentors

4. Experts/Mentors

Expert selection is only available in Private mode. Your Expert's profile will also be available to view.
5. Query Response

5. Query Response

Click on the comment symbol to respond to questions that interest you. For Public question postings, you don't have to be an Expert to respond. Experts are identified with a blue check mark symbol.